RTsuite CT HN-Segmentation System

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Shorten the time for OARs segmentation

How it works

Automatically delineate 17 types of head-and-neck organs-at-risk on CT images and assist radiation oncology professionals in expediting treatment planning workflow

Clinical challenges and unmet need
Over 50% of cancer patients require at least one radiotherapy as part of cancer care 1 Automatically delineate 17 types of head-and-neck organs-at-risk on CT images and assist radiation oncology professionals in expediting treatment planning workflow 2
  • *1

    Globocan 2020
  • *2

    Trapani D, Murthy SS, Boniol M, et al. Distribution of the workforce involved in cancer care: a systematic review of the literature. ESMO Open. 2021;6(6):100292.

50% of cancer patients
require at least one radiatiotherapy.


On average, only 0.15 radiation oncologies available per 100 cancer patients

Time saving

Pre-EFAI: 4-5 hrs (manual segmentation)
Post-EFAI: 10-15 mins

17 OARs in head and neck region



Key benefit

Automatic organ segmentation process shortens the time required for contouring
Reduce contouring variation among physicians and ensure the consistency and accuracy
Seamless send contoured images to the chosen treatment planning system (TPS) for clinicians to review, edit, and approve. Free up physician's time to focus more on patient care
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RTsuite CT HN-Segmentation System


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